SAVE THE DATE Kimonoyala’s up date 2025
【Japanology Fair】in Torrance —Vintage Kimono SALE and more…!
Sat. & Sun. 08/31-09/01/2024 (11:00AM-4:30PM)
Mai No Kai — 18097 Prairie Ave. Torrance, CA 90504
-Free Admission & Free Parking
-Japanese Classical Dance Studio— Please remove your shoes before entering(土足禁止)
Vendors Wanted! Email us.
K2 — Kimonoyala’s booth @Kimono Con
【Nova Vita Festival】
Date: Sun. 07/28/2024 (11AM-8PM)
Tanaka Farm — 5380 3/4 University Dr, Irvine, CA 92612
Kimonoyala’s booth!
Hello, Harajuku Day!
We will sell Vintage Haori (Kimono Jacket) , Yukata and hair accessories.
【Harajuku Day】 @harajukudayla
Sat. 07/20/2024 12-5PM
Location: Little Tokyo Galleria, Los Angeles @littletokyogalleria — 333 S. ALAMEDA STREET Los Angeles, California
Kimonoyala’s booth
【Japanology Fair】in Pasadena
Date & Time: Sat. 07/13/2024 11AM-4:30PM
location: Shumei Community Hall Room
Address: 2430 E Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91107
Free Admission & Parking More than 15 vendors are coming!
Tag: #japanologyfair @kimonoyala
@shoushiwatanabe+@shingocube @kimono__couture
@flash_calligraphy_la @naokoceramics @haru_min117
@akane_ya_tsumamizaiku, @manamik_happy @hokkaido.marche.usa @solsissjewely @ulana_3171 @kawaiicraftlady @wow_by_junko
Vendors Wanted! Email us!
Nadeshikokai’s Kimono Sale booth
June 21st (4pm - 9pm)
June 22nd (12pm - 8pm)
June 23rd (12pm - 6pm)
STC Anaheim Gardenwalk
400 W. Disney Way, Anaheim, CA 92802
【Japanology Fair】
Date & Time: Sun. 06/16/2024 11:00AM-4:30PM
Location: Mai No Kai
Address: 18097 Prairie Ave. Torrance, CA 90504
Hello, San Diego! SAVE THE DATE!
We are going to sell Kimono, Yukata, Haori, Obi and more. $10-up.
【Kimono Garage Sale in San Diego】2 days!
Date & Time: SAT&SUN 05/18-19/2024 11AM-4:30PM
Location: Kimino Suishin (着物翠真) @kimonosuishin
Address: 9915 Paseo Montalban, San Diego, CA 92129
Contact: 858-603-3177
@kimonosuishin based San Diego.
Beauty by Kiyoko based San Diego.
@kimonoyala from Los Angeles
Kimonoyala and Team Kawachiondo (Bon Dance Team) are participating in this event again. Please come and join us!
Date & Time: Sat. 05/04/2024 11AM - 4PM
Location: Terasaki Budokan in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles
Address: 249 S Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Join us for the third annual Kibō Nobori Children’s Day Festival as we proudly celebrate the Japanese holiday Kodomo No Hi in Little Tokyo. "Kodomo No Hi" means "Children's Day" in Japan and is a day to celebrate and wish for health and good fortune for all children. In partnership with Faith-Ann Kiwa Young, co-mrkt, and Terasaki Budokan, it will be a fun-filled day with activities for the whole family!